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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes on Color Mixing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two principal modes of color blending used by this tool's shaders *Multiply* and *Overlay*. These are used in a MixRGB type shadernode (*Color -> MixRGB* in the add node menu). .. figure:: images/mult_over_mixnodes.png :align: center :width: 400 *Multiply and Overlay MixRGB nodes* The node has 3 inputs: two of which are color data from the two bitmaps that are being blended (i.e. the **base map** and the **blend map**); the other is the blending *factor*. The *factor* is the value exposed in the shader which controls the desired extent of blending (more later). Multiply Blending ----------------- Multiply blending takes a values from the **base map** :math:`a` and multiples them with values from the **blend map** :math:`b`. .. math:: f(a,b) = a.b The usual effect of this is to darken the image. Overlay Blending ---------------- Overlay blending effectively combines multiply blending with it's opposite (screen blending - which will usually lighten an image) Thus we combine: **Multiply:** :math:`f(a,b) = a.b` with **Screen:** :math:`f(a,b) = 1 - (1 - a).(1 - b)` to give: **Overlay:** :math:`f(a,b) = 2ab` **( if** :math:`a < 0.5` **)** :math:`f(a,b) = 1 - 2(1 - a).(1 -b )` **( if** :math:`a > 0.5` **)** This will give a S-curve type response, where light areas are lightened and dark areas are darkened, with small or no change to the mid brightness areas. Blending Factor --------------- The blending *factor* is a *linear interpolation* parameter (between 0 and 1) which describes the extent of blending between the original **base map** and the fully *multiply* or *overlay blended* (see above) map. The example below is the real example of a **base** normal map being overlay blended with a micro-normal **blend** map. .. |ov00| image:: /images/overlay_0.0.png :width: 210 .. |ov00_t| replace:: *Blending Factor* = **0** .. |ov05| image:: /images/overlay_0.5.png :width: 210 .. |ov05_t| replace:: *Blending Factor* = **0.5** .. |ov10| image:: /images/overlay_1.0.png :width: 210 .. |ov10_t| replace:: *Blending Factor* = **1** .. list-table:: :widths: 1 1 1 :header-rows: 0 * - |ov00| - |ov05| - |ov10| * - |ov00_t| - |ov05_t| - |ov10_t| The full extent of the blending can be finely controlled using exposed shader parameters (in this example the *Normal Blend Strength* in the *Skin (Head)* material).