##################### Material Parameters ##################### .. figure:: images/mat_param_default.png :align: center *Default material pane* Opening the **Material Parameters** dropdown will show the default material parameters pane, which will be initially devoid of any information. Once a character has been imported, the material parameters pane will show a context sensitive set of parameters dependent on the object selected in the viewport. .. figure:: images/mat_param_grouped_fade.png :align: center *Illustration of various material parameter sets* The 5 principal object types (relating to the character itself rather than any clothing or accessories) are the *Skin, Eyes, Eye Occlusion, Hair and Teeth*. .. admonition:: Notable Parameters When manipulating the material parameters the function of most parameters is self evident, however there are several which require further explanation. * *Color Blending* - When a map such as a *micro normal map* or an *ambient occlusion map* is being blended with a base normal map or diffuse texture, the shader requires a parameter to control the extent of the blending. These parameters are labelled as a *strength* for *multiplicative* type blending, and as a *blend overlay strength* for *overlay* type blending. These parameters are discussed :ref:`here`. * *Exponents* - There are many occasions where exponents are used with an input map (e.g. Roughness) in order to change the map values in a non linear way. For example to exaggerate roughness in relatively smooth areas or to de-emphasize roughness in rougher areas. Please see :ref:`these notes` on the effects of exponents. * *Min-Max* - Occasionally, a min and max value is used to define upper and lower limits for value ranges of input bitmaps. These are not simple value clamps, instead they are a remapping of the input values to a new user defined range. This is explained more thoroughly :ref:`here`. | ***************************** Examining Material Parameters ***************************** Single Materials ================ In order to view the settings specific to a particular object's material, you must first select the object in Blender's viewport (in *Object Mode*). .. image:: images/selected_head_obj.png :align: center .. |mtpr| image:: /images/material_properties.png | .. image:: images/selected_mat.png :align: right To examine or manipulate a single material first make sure that in *Adjust Parameters* the *Selected* button is active. | Click on the *Material Properties* tab |mtpr| in the *properties* pane. Then select the material you require from the displayed materials list. .. image:: images/material_selection.png The *Material Parameters* pane of the CC/iC Pipeline tool will then be updated with the available settings for the *Selected Material*. .. image:: images/material_parameters_pane_s.png | .. .. tip:: As of add-on version 1.4.3, the material parameters that are not considered during export back to Character Creator during the :ref:`Blender Round Trip` are labelled in **red**. This coloration has no effect other than to highlight which parameters will be ignored during export back to CC. Linked Materials ================ Many of the materials in the imported character share the same shader, this allows for the collective editing of shared shader parameters across multiple materials; referred to here as *Linked Materials*. .. from params.py LINKED_MATERIALS = [ ["SKIN_HEAD", "SKIN_BODY", "SKIN_ARM", "SKIN_LEG"], ["EYE_RIGHT", "CORNEA_RIGHT", "EYE_LEFT", "CORNEA_LEFT"], ["OCCLUSION_RIGHT", "OCCLUSION_LEFT"], ["TEARLINE_RIGHT", "TEARLINE_LEFT"], ["TEETH_UPPER", "TEETH_LOWER"], ["HAIR"], ["SCALP"], ] *Linked Materials* are grouped as follows * :ref:`Skin (Head), Skin (Body), Skin (Arm) & Skin (leg)` * :ref:`Eye (Right + Left) & Eye (Right Cornea + left Cornea)` * :ref:`Eye Occlusion (Left + Right)` * :ref:`Tearline (Left + Right)` * :ref:`Teeth & Gums (Upper + Lower)` * :ref:`Hair (All types present)` * :ref:`Scalp` .. image:: images/linked_mats.png :align: right In order to edit the settings for a group of linked materials ensure that in *Adjust Parameters* the *Linked* button is active. | Selecting an object in in Blender's viewport (in *Object Mode*) will then update the *Material Parameters* pane of the CC/iC Pipeline tool with the available settings for the *Linked Materials* associated with the selected object. .. image:: images/material_parameters_pane_l.png Thus, multiple settings can be simultaneously edited and consistency maintained across the linked materials in an imported character. | ***************************** Material Parameter Discussion ***************************** The specific parameters for each material type are discussed in details in the following sections: * :ref:`Eyes` A full discussion of the eye structure and the options (including alternative materials) available. * :ref:`Skin` All of the skin shader parameters and their location specific properties are discussed. * :ref:`Teeth, Gums and Tongue` A discussion of the shaders used inside the mouth. * :ref:`Hair ` TBD